§ 13-58. Development standards  

Latest version.
  • Table 13-58 identifies development standards in the planned development zones. See also Article 9, General Site Improvement Standards, of this chapter for additional requirements.


    Maximum Density per Section 13-59 MAXIMUM DENSITY CRITERIA. (dwelling units per acre) 8 12 20
    Note: See North Costa Mesa Specific Plan for exceptions.
    35 20
    Note: The maximum density for 1901 Newport Boulevard is 40 dwelling units per acre. See North Costa Mesa Specific Plan for exceptions.
    Density in Mixed Use Projects The density of the residential component of a mixed use Planned Development shall be calculated by dividing the total number of dwelling units proposed by that portion of the total site area devoted to residential uses, including required parking, landscaping, open space, and driveways to serve the residential component. The density permitted within the residential component shall be determined by the criteria established in section 13-59 MAXIMUM DENSITY CRITERIA.
    Maximum Site Coverage
    NOTE: Site coverage of multi-story projects with integrated parking structures shall be based upon the usable floor area at the street or grade level, exclusive of parking areas, driveways, plazas, courtyards or pedestrian walkways.
    Not applicable 30% outside the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area
    35% within the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area
    Perimeter Open Space per section 13-61 PERIMETER OPEN SPACE CRITERIA. 20 feet abutting all public rights-of-way, excluding alleys (may be reduced in the PDC and PDR-NCM zones pursuant to section 13-61 PERIMETER OPEN SPACE CRITERIA).
    Open Space 45% of total site area, inclusive of Perimeter Open Space. See Section 13-60 REQUIRED OPEN SPACE CRITERIA FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL. 42% of total site area, inclusive of Perimeter Open Space. See Section 13-60 REQUIRED OPEN SPACE CRITERIA FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL. See North Costa Mesa Specific Plan for exceptions. See Perimeter Open Space and CHAPTER VI PARKING.
    Note: May be reduced by 10%, if 10% of driveway & parking area consists of decorative paving and current parking standards are met.
    Bluff-top Setback. No building or structure closer than 10 feet from bluff crest (see section 13-62(h) ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS).
    Maximum Floor Area Ratio Refer to CHAPTER V, ARTICLE 8 FLOOR AREA RATIOS.
    Minimum Development Lot Area required for a rezone 1 acre
    PARKING (See Chapter VI).
    LANDSCAPING (See Chapter VII).
    SIGNS (See Chapter VIII).
    PROJECTIONS (Maximum depth of projections given)
    Roof or Eaves Overhang; Awning 2 feet 6 inches into required side setback or building separation area.
    5 feet into required front or rear setback.
    Open, unenclosed stairways. 2 feet 6 inches into required setback area.
    Chimneys 2 feet above maximum building height.
    Fireplaces 2 feet into required setback or building separation area
    Uses Underroof All nonresidential uses shall be conducted underroof except as allowed by a minor conditional use permit or as permitted elsewhere in this Zoning Code. Exceptions include sidewalk sales and parking lot sales which are allowed on the basis of a maximum of 4 sales per fiscal year with a maximum length of 3 days per sale and subject to obtaining a business permit.
    Outdoor Storage (incidental to main use) Permitted in nonresidential areas of a planned development when: Storage does not interfere with required parking or vehicular access; storage is not in required setback area abutting a public right-of-way; storage does not decrease required landscaping; storage is completely screened from view from street or adjacent properties; and storage complies with all applicable codes and regulations including, but not limited to, the Uniform Fire Code. Shipping containers shall also comply with setback requirements for structures, floor area ratio standards, and parking requirements. A permanent foundation shall be required for shipping containers. Storage not meeting these criteria requires approval of a minor conditional use permit.
    Master Plan Required Yes. Preliminary master plan is optional pursuant to Section 13-56(a).
    Common Interest Developments Permitted. Refer to Chapter V, article 2, common interest developments. In any instance where the development standards in chapter V, article 2 conflict with the development standards in this article, the development standards in this article shall take precedence.
    Minimum Lot Size 5,000 square feet with an overall average of 5,500 square feet. The required perimeter open space and any common lot shall not be included in the calculation of lot size. Note: Lot sizes may be reduced proportionately if other useable open space is provided within the overall development. 3,000 square feet with an overall average of 3,500 square feet. The required perimeter open space and any common lot shall not be included in the calculation of lot size. Note: Lot sizes may be reduced proportionately if other useable open space is provided within the overall development. Not applicable.
    Minimum Lot
    40 feet
    Maximum Number of Stories & Building Height 2 stories/27 feet
    Note: Lo[f]ts, as defined in section 13-6, without exterior access and having only clerestory windows will not be regarded as a story. See also Attic discussion below.
    Attics Attics shall not be heated or cooled, nor contain any electrical outlets or operable windows. Attics above second stories shall be an integral part of the second story roofline and not appear as a 3rd story on any building elevation. Windows in any attic space above the second story shall be incidental and limited to a dormer style.
    Private Open Space for Individual Dwelling Unit Lots 40% overall, with a minimum 400 square-foot area with no dimension less than 15 feet.
    Mechanical equipment, excluding antennas and flush-mounted solar panels on roofs Roof-top location is prohibited.
    Minimum Front Setback for Individual Dwelling Unit Lots 5 feet
    Exception: If a sidewalk is provided along the front of the lot, the garage shall be setback less than 9 feet or more than 23 feet from the face of the street curb.
    If a sidewalk is not provided along the front of the lot, the garage shall be either setback 5 feet or more than 19 feet from the face of the street curb.
    Minimum Side Setback for Individual Dwelling Unit Lots 0 feet on one side; 10 feet combination of both sides.
    Minimum Rear Setback for Individual Dwelling Unit Lots 5 feet
    2-car garage required Yes
    Automatic Garage Door Opener Required - if garage is setback less than 9 feet from the face of the street curb.
    Pools and Spas Above-ground pools and spas shall not be located in the required front yard setback from a public street and are subject to 5-foot side and rear yard setbacks for main structures. Additional setbacks may be applicable pursuant to building code requirements.


    Site area is defined as the area equal to the original lot size, less the area occupied by adjacent dedicated streets.

    Site coverage is defined as that portion of the site area within planned development commercial and industrial projects occupied by buildings. Site coverage shall not include parking structures, surface parking lots, driveways, plazas, courtyards or sidewalks.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 98-5, § 14, 3-2-98; Ord. No. 01-16, § 1m., 6-18-01; Ord. No. 02-9, § 1f, 7-1-02 ; Ord. No. 04-4, § 3, 4-5-04 ; Ord. No. 05-3, § 1f., 2-7-05 ; Ord. No. 07-2, § 1h., 2-6-07 )