§ 13-57. Site design concept  

Latest version.
  • A variety of building products are encouraged in the design of projects in the planned development zones, thereby maximizing project excellence. Complementary uses, as appropriate, are also encouraged.

    (a) Planned Development Residential.

    (1) Within the low density zone: Small-lot, single-family detached residential developments including clustered development, zero lot line development and conventional development are appropriate.

    (2) Within the medium density, high density, and north Costa Mesa zones: Single-and multiple-family residential developments containing any type or mixture of housing units, either attached or detached, including but not limited to, clustered development, townhouses, patio homes, detached houses, duplexes, garden apartments, and high rise apartments or common interest developments are appropriate.

    (3) As a complementary use, nonresidential use of a religious, educational, or recreational nature may be allowed if the planning commission finds the use to be compatible with the planned development residential project.

    (4) As a complementary use in the PDR-MD, PDR-HD and PDR-NCM zones, nonresidential uses of a commercial nature may be allowed if the planning commission finds the uses to be compatible with the planned development residential project and if the FAR does not exceed that established for the Neighborhood Commercial general plan land use designation.

    (b) Planned Development Commercial.

    (1) Retail shops, offices and service establishments, including but not limited to, hotels, restaurants, theaters, museums, financial institutions and health clubs are appropriate. These uses are intended to serve adjacent residential areas, as well as the entire community and region.

    (2) As complementary uses, residential (density maximum of twenty (20) dwelling units per acre, unless otherwise noted in the general plan and/or specific plan) and industrial uses as well as other commercial and noncommercial uses of a similar or supportive nature to the uses noted in this subsection may be allowed if the planning commission approves the uses as compatible with the planned development commercial project based on compatible uses listed in the general plan for the applicable land use designation subject to FAR limits. For the 1901 Newport Plaza property, a site-specific FAR of 0.70 for the commercial component and site-specific density of forty (40) dwelling units per acre for the residential component were established for 1901 Newport Boulevard pursuant to general plan amendment GP-02-04.

    (c) Planned Development Industrial.

    (1) Large industrial developments with ample open space and landscaping typifies projects in this district.

    (2) As complementary uses, nonindustrial uses of a commercial nature or residential nature (density maximum of twenty (20) dwelling units per acre) may be allowed if the planning commission finds the uses to be compatible with the planned development Industrial project based on compatible uses listed in the general plan for the applicable land use designation subject to FAR limits.