§ 13-59. Maximum density criteria  

Latest version.
  • (a) The provision of affordable housing shall be necessary to reach the maximum density for the North Costa Mesa residential district.

    (b) Density increments up to the maximum shown in Table 13-58 may be approved in order to provide an incentive for design excellence. Criteria for density increments include, but shall not be limited to, the following (except that criteria (6) through (10) shall not apply to small-lot, single-family development):

    (1) Preservation of natural features that enhance the development and will benefit the community (including trees, scenic points, view corridors, historic buildings or locations, unique geological formations and other community assets).

    (2) Provision of distinctive design, including site planning, structural design, architectural treatments, landscaping and integration into the community.

    (3) Provision of usable open space in excess of the required amount.

    (4) Enlargement of the required perimeter open space.

    (5) Utilization of non-depletable energy sources for water heating and/or space heating.

    (6) Provision of low and moderate income housing as a portion of the total development.

    (7) Provision of all or part of the required parking within the principal structure(s) (i.e., subterranean, tuck under, etc.).

    (8) Provision of facilities for the storage of recreational vehicles.

    (9) Provision in the project's circulation system for the separation of pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle traffic through the inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian trails that link with citywide networks.

    (10) Project location is adjacent to or within ¼ mile of a public transit facility or route.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 01-16, § 1n., 6-18-01)