Chapter II. Construction, Reconstruction, Destruction Or Abandonment Of Certain Wells

§ 18-26. Purpose; permit required to drill or abandon well; administrative duties of county
§ 18-27. "Abandoned" and "abandonment" defined
§ 18-28. "Agricultural well" defined
§ 18-29. "Cathodic protection well" defined
§ 18-30. "Community water supply well" defined
§ 18-31. "Construct or reconstruct" defined
§ 18-32. "Destruction" defined
§ 18-33. "Electrical grounding well" defined
§ 18-34. "Health officer" defined
§ 18-35. "Individual domestic well" defined
§ 18-36. "Industrial well" defined
§ 18-37. "Observation well" defined
§ 18-38. "Permit" defined
§ 18-39. "Person" defined
§ 18-40. "Public nuisance" defined
§ 18-41. "Salt water (hydraulic) barrier well" defined
§ 18-42. "Test or exploratory hole" defined
§ 18-43. "Well" defined
§ 18-44. Enforcement authority of well standards advisory board
§ 18-45. Prohibited acts
§ 18-46. Permit application, fee; issuance and term of permit; cancellation of or amendment to permit
§ 18-47. Notice of completion of work; final inspection
§ 18-48. Notice of denial or cancellation of permit
§ 18-49. Notice that well constitutes a public nuisance
§ 18-50. Immediate abatement and notice thereof
§ 18-51. Board hearing
§ 18-52. Abatement costs a special assessment
§ 18-53. General standards
§ 18-54. Penalty