§ 13-142. Development standards  

Latest version.
  • Table 13-142 identifies the development standards for antennas. Proposed antennas not in compliance with the applicable development standards shall require the approval of a minor conditional use permit pursuant to section 13-144, Minor conditional use permit requirements.

    TABLE 13-142

    Maximum Height (measured from the property's grade to the highest point of the antenna)
    Residential Zone or Nonresidential Zone Adjacent to a Residential Zone: 15 feet 75 feet 30 feet
    Other Nonresidential Zone: Not to exceed allowable building height Same as above. Same as above.
    Front Yard Location Permitted No
    Side and Rear Setbacks (setbacks apply to antenna support structure and to arrays and projections attached thereto, unless otherwise noted)
    Residential Zone: Side: Comply with setbacks for accessory structures, with a minimum setback of 5 feet.
    Rear: Ground-mounted antenna support structures may be located in a required rear yard if located as far forward as possible from the rear property line. Minimum of 5 feet for arrays and projections attached to the antenna support structure.
    Nonresidential Zone: Side and Rear: Comply with setbacks for main structures, with a minimum setback of 5 feet.
    Exception: Side and/or Rear, when adjacent to a Residential Zone: Minimum of 5 feet from the residential property line. Additionally, the antenna support structure shall be located as far as possible from the residential property line.
    Roof-mounted Location Shall be located on the portion of the roof farthest from any adjacent street, residential zone (if applicable), bluff, and/or park, whichever location will result in the least visual impact.
    Maximum Number
    Residential Zone or Nonresidential Zone adjacent to a Residential Zone: One
    Exception: Legally subdivided residential units in small lot subdivision projects, and units in Planned Unit Development projects with individual lots, shall each be allowed one satellite dish antenna unless otherwise prohibited.
    One antenna support structure in excess of 30 feet.
    One whip antenna in excess of 30 feet.
    Note: There is no limit on the number of antennas which do not exceed 30 feet in height.
    One antenna support structure.
    Other Nonresidential Zone: No regulation. No regulation. No regulation.
    Maximum Diameter
    Residential Zone or Nonresidential Zone adjacent to a Residential Zone: 10 feet Any dish-shaped element attached to an antenna: 2 feet
    Exception: Any dish-shaped element in excess of 2 feet in diameter that is attached to an antenna shall require approval of a minor conditional use permit and comply with the satellite dish antenna development standards regarding maximum height (applicable to dish element only) diameter, screening and materials, as applicable.
    Other Nonresidential Zone: No regulation. Dish-shaped elements in excess of 2 feet in diameter shall comply with the satellite dish antenna development standards regarding maximum height (applicable to dish element only) and materials.
    Screening Required
    Residential Zone or Nonresidential Zone adjacent to a Residential Zone: Screening, either partial or total, may be required by the planning division when the antenna is visible from off-site. The screening may consist of a solid, opaque fence, wall, vegetation, landscaping and/or any other material deemed acceptable by the planning division. Ground-mounted: No regulation.
    Antennas less than 30 feet in height: No regulation.
    Antennas 30 feet or more in height: Screening may be required in Nonresidential Zones if necessary to lessen visual impacts on the adjacent Residential Zone(s), under the direction of the planning division.
    Ground-mounted: No regulation.
    Roof-mounted: Screening may be required if necessary to lessen visual impacts, under the direction of the planning division.
    Other Nonresidential Zone: No regulation. Same as above.
    Color All antennas visible from off-site shall be finished in a color deemed unobtrusive to the neighborhood in which it is located, under the direction of the planning division.
    Signs No sign of any kind shall be posted or displayed on any antenna.
    (RF) Radiation
    No transmitting antenna or facility, except as categorically excluded by the Federal Communication Commission, shall exceed the radiofrequency (RF) radiation and maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits for electrical and magnetic field strength and power density established by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) and the 1992 ANSI/IEEE for an "uncontrolled environment". It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide evidence of compliance with applicable standards.
    Wiring All electrical and antenna wiring shall be encased in tubing or other devices acceptable to the planning division and/or concealed to the maximum extent feasible to minimize visual impact.
    Materials When the antenna exceeds 6 feet in height above grade, the dish-shaped element shall be of a mesh construction. Not applicable.
    Other Requirements Ground-mounted antennas shall not reduce the area required for parking, internal circulation or other development standards in this Zoning Code.
    All antennas shall be permanently mounted, and no antenna may be installed on a portable or movable structure.


(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 98-5, § 23, 3-2-98)