§ 5-110. Prerequisites to issuance of permit  

Latest version.
  • Before the planning commission may approve an application for a relocation permit the planning commission shall make the following determinations:

    (a) That the building is in reasonable conformity with the architectural style and meets or exceeds the quality of existing buildings within the area in which it is proposed to be moved;

    (b) That the proposed building shall not be less in value when moved and remodeled than the fair market value of the highest one-third of the buildings within the immediate area. The immediate area shall be determined by the planning commission, but in no instance shall be less than five hundred (500) feet from the exterior boundary of the proposed site on which a building is to be moved;

    (c) That the proposed relocation will in no way be detrimental to surrounding property or the living environment;

    (d) That the proposed location will comply with lot area, required yard setbacks, and all other provisions of the zoning ordinance of the city, including fire zones;

    (e) That all dedication and improvements required for streets and alleys including sidewalks, curbs, gutters, street trees, streetlights, emergency call boxes, and off-site water supply necessary for the property upon which the structure is to be located are provided in conformity with the standards of the city;

    (f) Compliance with requirements set forth in section 5-107 and 5-107.1

    (g) Compliance with bond or insurance requirements as herein set forth.

    In order to determine any of the matters presented by the application for relocation permit, the planning commission may cause to be made any investigation it deems necessary.

(Ord. No. 75-45, § 2, 9-16-75)