§ 5-110.1. Requirements of building or structures  

Latest version.
  • No relocation permit shall be used to relocate any building or structure upon a building site within the city which does not comply with the following:

    (a) The building or structure is structurally sound and conforms to applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as adopted and amended.

    (b) The building/structure is free of pests.

    (c) The building/structure substantially conforms to like improvements within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet from the proposed building site.

    (d) The building/structure complies with the zoning laws applicable to the area of the proposed building site.

    (e) The anticipated use of said building structure complies with the land use regulations applicable to the area of the proposed building site.

    If said building/structure is in a state of disrepair where presently located, the director of development services or his designee shall make a determination if same can be practicably and effectively repaired to comply with the requirements herein, then a permit to relocate may be granted upon such terms and conditions as he, or the planning commission, may require.

    No relocation permit shall be issued by the planning commission until the owner causes an inspection of the building or structure to be made by a licensed structural pest control contractor and until the findings of such inspection are submitted to the director of development services. If the report requires extermination or structural repairs, the planning department shall not issue a relocation permit until the structural repairs or extermination necessitated by the findings of the inspection are made and a statement from the licensed pest control contractor attesting to such extermination or structural repairs is submitted to the director of development services.

(Ord. No. 75-45, § 2, 9-16-75; Ord. No. 98-19, § 5, 7-6-98)