§ 15-47. Manner of doing work  

Latest version.
  • (a) In backfilling there shall be no flooding of the trench within the upper twenty-four (24) inches. All loose backfill shall be dampened and well tamped with a pneumatic tamper or in any other workmanlike manner satisfactory to the city engineer to reduce all settlement to a minimum.

    (b) All excavated material shall be cast away from the improved portion of the street. After the work has been completed, all excess material, including excess excavation, shall be removed from the right-of-way and the roadway left in a neat and orderly condition.

    (c) All roadside drainage ditches shall be restored to a true grade and the intake and outlet end of all culverts shall be left free from all excess material and debris.

    (d) All approaches to private driveways and intersecting roads and streets shall be kept open to traffic at all times.

    (e) Clay and earth which adhere to the paved surface of the roadway shall be removed by hand-scraping, washing and sweeping, or by any other method which will leave a clean nonskid surface without impairing, injuring or loosening the surface.

    (f) All muck or mud resulting from water or any leaky condition shall be removed and the excavation backfilled with compactable material which is most effective.

(Code 1960, § 7222; Ord. No. 80-2, § 2, 2-4-80)