§ 9-323. Applicability of article and deadline for compliance  

Latest version.
  • (a) All the provisions of this article shall be immediately applicable to all massage establishments and individual massage service providers, except as provided for in this section and in section 9-342

    (b) No person shall engage in the practice of massage therapy for compensation within the city unless that person holds a current and valid massage certificate issued by the CAMTC, except as provided below.

    (c) Any individual holding a current and valid city permit to practice massage, issued to that individual pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 01-7, § 1, and Ordinance No. 06-12, §§ 6, 7, shall obtain a CAMTC certificate within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the effective date of this article if that individual wishes to continue practicing massage within the city.

    (d) No person shall practice massage therapy within the city prior to obtaining a city registration certificate and photo identification badge from the chief of police.

    (e) No business or establishment shall rent space to, employ, or in any way retain the services of any massage therapist or practitioner who does not hold a current and valid CAMTC certificate, provided that a business or establishment may rent space to, employ or retain a city licensed massage practitioner for up to one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date of this article.

    (f) No business or establishment shall rent space to, employ or in any way retain the services of any individual to provide massage therapy within the city without first obtaining a massage establishment permit.

    (g) No massage therapist or practitioner shall provide massage services in their own home.