§ 9-147. Liability insurance, indemnity required for ambulance service  

Latest version.
  • (a) The licensee shall obtain and keep in force during the term of said license, comprehensive automobile liability insurance and professional liability insurance issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of California, insuring the owner against loss by reason of injury or damage that may result to persons or property from negligent operation or defective construction of such ambulance or convalescent transport vehicle, or from violation of this article [sections 9-141—9-162] or any other law of the State of California or the United States. Said comprehensive automobile liability policy shall be in the sum of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for combined single limit per occurrence, for bodily injury and property damage. Said professional liability insurance shall be in the sum of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per person and one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) annual aggregate. Workers' compensation insurance shall be carried covering all employees of the license holder. Before the health officer shall issue a license, copies of the policies or certificates evidencing such policies shall be filed with the department. All policies shall contain a provision requiring a thirty-day written notice to be given to the department and to the city manager prior to cancellation, modification or reduction in limits. The amount of comprehensive automobile liability insurance shall be subject to review and adjustment by the city annually at the city's option.

    (b) Prior to the granting of the city business license pursuant to section 9-162 and as a condition thereto, the licensee shall provide to the city evidence that the insurance required by subsection (a) above has been obtained, that the city has been added as an additional insured on the liability policies, that the professional liability policy includes blanket contractual coverage, and that the licensee has agreed to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the city, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses or damages of any nature, including attorney's fees, for injury to, or death of, any person, and for injury to any property, including consequential damages of any nature resulting therefrom, arising out of or in any way connected with the performance by the licensee of the services licensed under this article [sections 9-141—9-162], including damages resulting or allegedly resulting from concurrent, but not sole, negligence by act or omission by city, its elective or appointive boards, officers, agents or employees.

(Ord. No. 79-30, § 2, 12-17-79)