§ 8-76. Definitions  

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  • The following terms as used in this article shall, unless the context already indicates otherwise, have the respective meanings herein set forth:

    (a) Collection: The operation of gathering together and transporting solid waste to the point of disposal.

    (b) County: County of Orange.

    (c) Commercial units: Any commercial business establishment including, but not limited to, hotels, motels, offices and professional buildings, and retail establishments of all kinds, including supermarkets, filling stations, department and variety stores.

    (d) Disposal: The complete operation of treating and disposing of the accumulations of refuse and of the product or residue arising from such treatment.

    (e) Disposal station: A facility established, maintained and operated by the City or the County for the disposal of refuse.

    (f) Garbage: Solid waste as defined in California Public Resources Code Sections 40191 and 49503.

    (g) Multifamily residential units: A permanent building containing two (2) or more dwelling units including, but not limited to, mobile home parks.

    (h) Hazardous waste:

    (1) All waste defined or characterized as hazardous waste by the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC 3251 et seq.), as amended, including the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 USC 6901 et seq.), and all future amendments thereto, or regulations promulgated thereunder; and

    (2) All waste defined in California Public Resources Code Section 40141 or characterized as hazardous waste by the Principal agencies of the State of California (including without limitation the Department of Health Services and the California Waste Management Board) having jurisdiction over hazardous waste generated by facilities within such state; provided that the term "hazardous waste":

    a. Is intended to mean and include those substances which are not normally expected to be disposed of by generally accepted sanitary landfill disposal methods;

    b. Shall include radioactive wastes; and

    c. Shall be construed to have the broader, more encompassing definition where there exists a conflict in the definitions employed by two (2) or more governmental agencies having concurrent or overlapping jurisdiction over hazardous waste.

    (i) Industrial units: Any business establishment engaged in manufacturing, warehousing, construction, and/or demolition.

    (j) Infectious waste: Solid waste capable or producing an infection or pertaining to or characterized by the presence of pathogens or medical waste as regulated by the Medical Waste Management Act (California Health and Safety Code Section 25015 et seq.). It includes but is not limited to certain wastes generated by medical practitioners, hospitals, nursing homes, medical testing labs, mortuaries, taxidermists, veterinarians, veterinary hospitals, medical testing labs, and any waste which includes animal wastes or parts from slaughterhouses or rendering plants.

    (k) Intermediate processing facility: A solid waste transfer or processing station or facility as defined in California Public Resources Code Section 40200.

    (l) Material recovery facility: A solid waste facility where source-separated recyclables are processed and recovered.

    (m) Permittee: Any person or solid waste enterprise who collects, hauls or disposes of any form of solid waste, hazardous waste or infectious waste for compensation pursuant to a permit issued under this section.

    (n) Public highway: Any public street, alley, road, public place or highway open to and used by the traveling public and not used as a private right-of-way.

    (o) Recycling: The process of collecting, sorting, treating, and reconstituting materials that would otherwise become solid waste, and returning them to the economic mainstream as defined in California Public Resources Code Section 40180.

    (p) Recyclable material: Solid waste material that through a process of collecting, sorting, cleansing, treating and reconstituting is returned to the economic mainstream in the form of raw material for new, reused, or reconstituted products which meet the quality standards necessary to be used in the marketplace.

    (q) Refuse. Solid waste as defined in California Public Resources Code Sections 40191 and 49503.

    (r) Residential units: All those dwelling units not included in the definition of multifamily residential units unless otherwise designated by the city.

    (s) Scavenge. The unauthorized removal of any recyclable materials as defined by California Public Resources Code Sections 41950 and 41951 or solid waste without a permit under this article.

    (t) Solid waste. All solid waste as defined in California Public Resources Code Sections 40191 and 49503.

    (u) Solid waste enterprise. A solid waste enterprise as defined in California Public Resources Code Section 49504.

    (v) Solid waste handling services. A solid waste handling service as defined in California Public Resources Code Section 49505.

    (w) Transfer station. A solid waste transfer or processing station or facility as defined in California Public Resources Code Section 40200.

(Ord. No. 92-31, § 2, 1-18-93)