§ 8-19. Notice of violation  

Latest version.
  • When any provision of this chapter has been violated, an inspector may serve written notice thereof entitled "Notice of Violation" specifying:

    (a) The acts and conditions constituting each violation;

    (b) The provision or provisions violated thereby;

    (c) The corrective steps required;

    (d) The date by which all such corrections must be completed, allowing a reasonable period therefor;

    (e) That the permittee has a right to a hearing upon request; and

    (f) That if no hearing is requested, and if the health department does not receive notice that all such corrections have been made before 9:00 a.m. of the date named under subsection (d) above, or within fifteen (15) days after service of the written notice, whichever comes first, the permit will be suspended from that time until such violations are corrected.

(Ord. No. 97-2, § 1, 2-18-97)