§ 5-133. Testing procedures  

Latest version.
  • Test of radio coverage will be conducted pursuant to those specifications in the City of Costa Mesa In-Building Public Safety Radio System Coverage Specifications, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment "A" [a copy of which shall be maintained in the office of the city clerk], as summarized below.

    A. Initial tests. Initial tests will be performed by FCC-certified technicians, authorized by the county sheriff-coroner department/communications division, or by such agency in accordance with test standards as listed in the City of Costa Mesa In-Building Public Safety Radio System Coverage Specifications, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", [a copy of which shall be maintained in the office of the city clerk]. A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued to any structure if said structure, or any part thereof, fails to comply with these test standards.

    B. Annual tests. Annual tests will be conducted by CMFD, the local fire department personnel, or their agent in accordance with the test standards as listed in the City of Costa Mesa In-Building Public Safety Radio System Coverage Specifications, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", [a copy of which shall be maintained in the office of the city clerk].