§ 2-305. Time limitations for appeals and reviews  

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  • All applications for appeals and reviews must be filed, in writing, during regular business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays, and within the time limits hereinafter set forth:

    (1) For all matters relating to the approval, disapproval or extension of tentative and parcel maps, within ten (10) days from the date of the final decision subject to appeal or review.

    (2) For all other items, within seven (7) days from the date of the final decision subject to appeal or review.

    (3) For all matters requiring approval by the city, its employees, committees, or commissions, and by the redevelopment agency, the time limits for all applications shall begin on the date of the later of the following:

    (a) Final decision by the city, its employees, committees, or commissions; or

    (b) Final decision by the redevelopment agency.

    If the final day for filing an application for appeal or review falls on a holiday or weekend day when city hall is closed, the application shall be filed no later than the next business day.