§ 13-50. Development standards for drive-through operations  

Latest version.
  • Establishments with drive-through operations shall comply with the following development standards, unless the standards are modified through the issuance of a minor conditional use permit.

    (a) Drive-through lanes shall not obstruct the circulation routes necessary for ingress or egress from the property, parking areas (including back-out of parking spaces), and pedestrian walkways.

    (b) Each drive-through lane shall be striped, marked or otherwise distinctly delineated, and shall be a minimum of eleven (11) feet wide.

    (c) On-site entrances to drive-through lanes shall be setback a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from drive approaches from public or private streets or alleys.

    (d) Each drive-through lane shall be a minimum of one hundred sixty (160) feet in length, unless modified by the zoning administrator. The length of the drive-through lane shall be measured from its entrance point to the pick-up window.

    (e) Vehicle stacking areas of drive-through lanes shall be a minimum distance of ten (10) feet from outdoor seating and play areas.

    (f) Application for a minor conditional use permit shall include an operation statement indicating the physical improvements and operational measures proposed to minimize idling vehicle emissions.

    (g) Establishments within two hundred (200) feet of residentially-zoned property shall also be subject to the development standards contained in section 13-49, Development standards for establishments within two hundred feet of residentially-zoned property.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97)