§ 13-177. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • The following words and phrases shall, for the purpose of this article, be defined as follows, unless it is clearly apparent from the context that another meaning is intended.

    Applicant. Any person applying to the city for a conditional use permit concerning a proposed hazardous waste facility, as defined under the term "proponent" of the State Health and Safety Code Section 25199.1(i).

    General fund. The State of California General Fund.

    Appeal board. A board designated by the governor to review the following types of appeals pursuant to State Health and Safety Code Section 25199.9. The procedures and requirements for an appeal to the appeal board shall be pursuant to State Health and Safety Code Sections 25199.9—25199.14.

    (a) An appeal by the applicant of the disapproval by the city of a hazardous waste facility application;

    (b) An appeal by the applicant of one (1) or more conditions of approval placed by the city on an approved hazardous waste facility application; and

    (c) An appeal by an interested person which is based solely on the grounds that the conditions of approval imposed by the city on an approved hazardous waste facility application do not adequately protect the public health, safety or welfare.

    (d) An appeal of all other city land use decisions as specified in State Health and Safety Code Section 25199.9.

    Hazardous waste. A waste as defined in State Health and Safety Code Section 25117.

    Interested person. A person, as defined in State Health and Safety Code Sections 25118 and 25124, who participates in one or more public meetings or hearings held to consider an application for a conditional use permit for a proposed hazardous waste facility. "Participation" as defined in the State Health and Safety Code, Section 25199.1(c) includes, but is not limited to, the giving of oral or written testimony at a meeting or hearing, submission of questions at a meeting or hearing, or attendance at a meeting or hearing.

    Local assessment committee (LAC). A state-required committee as defined by State Health and Safety Code Section 25199.7(d) of locally appointed representatives, designed to negotiate with the proponents of a proposed hazardous waste facility.

    Office of Permit Assistance (OPA). The State of California Office of Permit Assistance.

    Off-site hazardous waste facility. A facility, as defined in State Health and Safety Code Section 25117.1, that accepts hazardous wastes that are generated at another location (off-site) and serves more than one producer of hazardous waste. Types of facilities include, but are not limited to:

    (a) Incineration facility, (i.e., rotary kiln, fluid bed, etc.);

    (b) Residual repository (receives only residuals from hazardous waste treatment facilities);

    (c) Stabilization/solidification facilities;

    (d) Chemical oxidation facilities;

    (e) Neutralization/precipitation facilities; or

    (f) Transfer/storage facilities.

    Proposed hazardous waste facility. A specific off-site hazardous waste facility project proposal.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97)