§ 11-120. Specific physical location standards  

Latest version.
  • No vending machine shall be placed, installed, or maintained upon the right-of-way in violation of the following physical location standards:

    (1) Within five (5) feet laterally of any marked crosswalk within a street not at a street intersection;

    (2) Within fifteen (15) feet laterally of the curb return of any marked or unmarked crosswalk at a street intersection;

    (3) Within fifteen (15) feet laterally of any fire hydrant;

    (4) Within five (5) feet laterally of any driveway intersecting a sidewalk;

    (5) Within five (5) feet laterally of light standards, trash receptacles, traffic signal-control boxes, public safety-control boxes, mailboxes, water meters, gas meters, electrical pull boxes, catch basins, and sewer manhole covers.

    (6) Within five (5) feet laterally or adjacent to any curb painted yellow or white for the purpose of regulating parking;

    (7) Affixed or fastened to utility poles or other private property lawfully located within the right-of-way;

    (8) At any location whereby the cross space of the passageway on the sidewalk is reduced to less than thirty-six (36) inches;

    (9) Within three hundred (300) feet laterally of any other such machine containing the same edition of the same publication;

    (10) Adjacent to any curb painted red for marking a designated bus stop;

    (11) Within five (5) feet laterally of any display window of any building or structure on adjacent property;

    (12) Within three (3) feet laterally of the imaginary lines that would be formed by extending the width of the entrance to a structure along lines perpendicular to the edge of the curb or its vertical extension;

    (13) Within any area designated as a bicycle trail.

    (14) Notwithstanding any other subdivision of this section, no person shall install, use or maintain any vending machine where placement endangers the safety of persons or property, or unreasonably interferes with the public's use of any right-of-way.

(Ord. No. 79-7, § 2, 6-4-79)