§ 9-479. Insurance  

Latest version.
  • (a) As a condition of issuance of a permit hereunder, every permittee must procure and maintain in full force and effect during the term of the permit, a policy of liability insurance in a form and with companies approved by city and approved to do business in California, which policy names the City of Costa Mesa, its officers, employees and agents as additional insured and which provides sufficient coverage that the city manager or his/her designee determines to be necessary and adequate under the circumstances. Proof of insurance shall be submitted to the city in advance of the issuance of a permit. The city manager or his/her designee may waive the requirement of insurance if the city manager or his/her designee determines that the intended use does not present any significant exposure to liability for the city, its officers, employees and agents or to public property damage.

    (b) The permittee shall conform to all applicable federal and state requirements for workers' compensation insurance for all persons operating under the permit.

    (c) Surety or bond: To ensure cleanup and restoration of the site, the permittee may be required to post a refundable faithful performance bond, cash surety or other comparable form of guarantee in an amount to be determined by the city manager or his/her designee at the time the application is submitted. Upon completion of filming and inspection of the site by the city, the guarantee may be returned to the applicant.

(Ord. No. 97-18, § 1, 6-2-97)