§ 9-474. Permit application and review  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each application for filming under this chapter must be completed in full and filed with the city manager or his/her designee.

    (b) Each application must include the following information:

    1. The name of the owner or owner's designee, the address and telephone number of the place at which the activity is to be conducted;

    2. The specific location at such address or place;

    3. The inclusive hours and dates such activity will transpire;

    4. A general statement of the character or nature of the proposed filming activity, including a detailed description of any potentially disruptive activities.

    5. The name, address and telephone number of the person or persons in charge of such filming activity;

    6. The number of personnel involved;

    7. Use of any animals or pyrotechnics;

    8. A list of major equipment to be used, including but not limited to trucks, buses, limousines and cameras; and

    9. Such additional information as the city manager or his/her designee may reasonably require.

    (c) The permit application shall be in a form the city manager or his/her designee may reasonably require. In addition to the foregoing, the applicant may submit the permit application on the form adopted and in use by the Orange County Film Commission.

    (d) The city manager or his/her designee may refer the application to such appropriate city departments as are directly impacted by the application and as he/she deems necessary from the nature of the application for review, evaluation, investigation and recommendations by the departments regarding approval [or] disapproval of the application.

    (e) The city manager or his/her designee shall issue a permit under this chapter if it is determined that the following criteria have been met:

    1. The proposed use will not unreasonably interfere with traffic or pedestrian movement, or unreasonably interfere with or endanger the public peace or rights of nearby residents to the quiet, peaceable enjoyment of their property, or otherwise be detrimental to the public peace, health, safety or general welfare;

    2. The proposed use will not unduly impede, obstruct or interfere with the operation of emergency vehicles or equipment in or through the permit area, or adversely affect the city's ability to perform municipal functions or furnish city services in the vicinity of the permits area; and

    3. The proposed use will not constitute a fire or safety hazard and all proper safety precautions will be taken as is reasonably necessary to protect the public peace, health, safety or general welfare.

    (f) The city manager or his/her designee shall deny the permit if the conditions of this chapter and all applicable laws and regulations have not been met or if the application contains incomplete or false information.

    (g) The city manager or his/her designee may immediately revoke a permit which has been granted, if the conditions of this chapter and all applicable laws and regulations are no longer being met, if the information supplied by the applicant becomes false or incomplete, or if any substantial change in circumstances results in the proposed use becoming detrimental to the public peace, health, safety or general welfare.

(Ord. No. 97-18, § 1, 6-2-97)