§ 9-181. Permits, issuance  

Latest version.
  • Permits for the sale of safe and sane fireworks shall be issued only if:

    (a) The applicant is a bona fide non-profit organization or school, as recognized by the State of California, that was formed to benefit the youth and students of the city; and

    (b) The applicant is any school located within the boundaries of the City of Costa Mesa, any school within a mile of the city boundary which has a student body consisting of at least fifty (50) percent Costa Mesa residents, or the applicant has its principal and permanent meeting place within the City of Costa Mesa; and

    (c) For non-school applicants, the applicant has at least eighty (80) percent of its current members residing within the city limits of Costa Mesa or the applicant otherwise satisfies the requirements of Council Policy 400-2 or other applicable council policy(ies) which may be enacted or amended from time to time relating to membership requirements or expenditure restrictions for fireworks stand permittees; and

    (d) The director of finance determines, after considering the applicant's qualifications, that it has available and will utilize the necessary personnel, material and equipment to protect the health and safety of the citizens of the city in connection with fireworks sales; and

    (e) The permits issued comply with the regulations established by city council resolution or council policy governing the number of fireworks stands and their allocation among various types of applicant organizations.