§ 9-152. Denial, suspension, revocation of ambulance license certificate—Right to appeal, hearing  

Latest version.
  • In the event of the denial, suspension or revocation of a license or attendant's or driver's certificate, the applicant or licensee or certificate holder shall have the right to request a hearing before the city council. Said hearing shall be requested and conducted in the manner specified in Title 2, Chapter IX of this code. In the event of any issuance, denial, amendment, variance, suspension or revocation of a license or attendant's or driver's certificate, the city council may hold a hearing to review the decision of the health officer; notice of any such hearing shall be given to the health officer and the applicant or license or certificate holder within thirty (30) days of the health officer's decision.

(Ord. No. 79-30, § 2, 12-17-79)