§ 9-140. Advertising

Latest version.
  • Regulations of use: The use of sound trucks in the city with sound-amplifying equipment in operation shall be subject to the following regulations:

    (a) Sound amplifying equipment shall not be operated unless the sound truck upon which equipment is mounted is operated at a speed of or at least ten (10) miles per hour, except when said truck is stopped or impeded by traffic. Where stopped by traffic, the said sound amplifying equipment shall not be operated for longer than one minute at each stop.

    (b) Sound shall not be issued within one hundred (100) yards of hospitals, schools, churches, courtrooms, county buildings or the city hall.

    (c) The only sounds permitted are music or human speech.

    (d) The sound trucks shall be operated only on those streets or boulevards designated by the city council in the permit and shall not be operated between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.; except on Sundays and legal holidays, no operation shall be authorized unless the city council has determined upon competent evidence that in the individual case, different hours of operation would be justified, then such permit shall set forth said different hours of operation.

    (e) No permit for the operation of a sound truck shall exceed thirty (30) days, unless a longer time has been specified by the city council upon receiving competent evidence justifying the same, or unless the thirty-day permit has been extended by the city council upon hearing competent evidence justifying such extension.

(Ord. No. 74-69, § 2, 1-7-75)