§ 9-120. Permittee entitled to hearing prior to revocation  

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  • No business tax registration certificate or permit shall be revoked or suspended until said permittee has had a public hearing before the issuing officer and has had an opportunity either personally or by counsel or by both to defend himself and present evidence on his behalf. Such public hearing shall be proceeded by reasonable notice as provided in these rules and regulations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the director of finance may suspend, pending such a hearing, any business tax registration certificate or permit where it has been determined that:

    (a) Upon the recommendation of the law enforcement agency or upon the recommendation of the city council that an immediate suspension of the business tax registration certificate is necessary for the protection of the public health, safety, peace and welfare.

    (b) In the event of such a suspension, the director of finance shall, within twelve (12) hours after said suspension, cause to be served upon said business or permittee a written statement containing the grounds for said suspension and a notice of hearing to show cause before the issuing officer why said permit should not be permanently revoked, which said hearing shall be held no later than five (5) days following the service of said notice.

(Ord. No. 74-69, § 2, 1-7-75)