§ 9-119. Revocation or suspension of permits  

Latest version.
  • Any permit issued under the business tax ordinance may be revoked or suspended in the following instances:

    (a) Where said issuing officer has found and determined that the preservation of the public health, safety, peace and welfare demand revocation of said business tax registration certificate or permit.

    (b) Where the applicant or permittee has violated any provisions of the business tax ordinance or any other provisions of the Costa Mesa Municipal Code, or any other provision of law.

    (c) Where a permit or business tax registration certificate has been granted on false or fraudulent evidence, testimony, or application.

    (d) Where the applicant or permittee has violated the terms and provisions of said business tax registration certificate or permit.

    Exception. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this title to the contrary, licenses issued to chiropractors, laboratory technicians, dentists, medical doctors, opticians, physical therapists, nurses, psychologists, pharmacists, veterinarians, accountants, advertising architects, landscape architects, building designers, attorneys, barbers, engineers, collection agencies, contractors, cosmetologists, private detectives, funeral directors, shorthand reporters, structural pest control operations, land surveyors, ship brokers, cleaners and dyers, electronic repair dealers, real estate agents and brokers, marriage counselors, auto dealers, boxers and wrestlers, furniture and bedding dealers and manufacturers, manufacturers of paints, petroleum activities, dealers in secondhand goods, or any other business, profession or trade where the determination of issuance or revocation of the right of any person to engage in such business, profession, or trade is vested in a state board or agency, shall be issued upon filing the requisite application and payment of the requisite fees and shall not be subject to revocation or suspension except any such business tax registration certificate may be revoked for nonpayment of fees or upon revocation of the state board or agency license.

(Ord. No. 74-69, § 2, 1-7-75)