§ 9-289. Investigation of application  

Latest version.
  • Any person or entity desiring to operate a mobile x-ray unit shall make application to the county health officer, who is also the city health officer and who shall cause to be conducted an investigation of said applicant for a permit to determine, among other things, the following items of information:

    (a) Whether or not said unit has a valid state registration as provided by Division 20, Chapter 7.6, California Health and Safety Code;

    (b) Whether or not said applicant has complied with applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations, including those relating to the reporting to the health office of abnormal x-ray findings pursuant to regulations of the state department of public health;

    (c) Whether the proper public notices, as required by state law, regulations enacted pursuant thereto, and local ordinances, have been posted in or upon the mobile unit;

    (d) The location and mailing address of all film files to be maintained by said mobile unit as hereinafter provided;

    (e) Whether the applicant and his specified personnel are qualified by reason of training and experience to operate a mobile x-ray unit in such a manner as to provide reasonable assurance of protection to health, life and property;

    (f) Whether the applicant's equipment, facilities, proposed uses and procedures are such as to provide reasonable assurance of protection to health, life and property; and

    (g) Such other information as shall be required by the county health officer.

(Ord. No. 82-4, § 1, 2-16-82)