§ 9-284.9. Rules and regulations for towing service operations: maximum rate for towing services  

Latest version.
  • (a) The city council may from time to time adopt by resolution a maximum rate schedule applicable to the towing services covered by this article. The rate schedule will be at a level to ensure competition, provide a fair return on investment, and provide a high quality tow service to the public.

    (b) The rate schedule will automatically be adjusted on its anniversary date based on the percentage change in the cost of doing business as measured by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, for All Urban Consumers for the Los Angeles-Long Beach Area, All Items, (1967=100) for the preceding twelve (12) months.

    (c) Any tow operator permit holder may request an adjustment to the rate schedule, over and above any adjustment made by the city council, by filing a written request with the director of finance. A permit holder may not make more than one annual request. Any such request must be made no later than December 1st of each year, and each request shall specifically detail the basis of the request.

    (d) When establishing or considering changes to the rate schedule, the council shall consider any written evidence submitted by any interested party. Notice that the council will consider a change to the rate schedule shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at least once, not less than ten (10) days before the hearing, and written notice shall be sent to all certificate holders.

    (e) The city council may, by resolution, establish a fee to defray the cost of logging and creating computer entries for vehicles stored from private property. The fee shall be paid by the towing operation holding a certificate under this article, and may be added as a proper charge to the person causing the vehicle removal from private property or to the person owning such vehicle.