§ 9-278. Suspension or revocation of towing operator permit; notice—Appeal  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any permit granted pursuant to the provisions of this article may be suspended or revoked by the chief of police, either in whole or in part, upon written notice to the permit holder.

    (b) The permit holder shall be provided with written notice specifying the grounds for such suspension or revocation, by first class mail, postage prepaid, or by personal delivery to the permit holder, or by leaving the notice at the permit holder's place of business or residence.

    (c) The permit holder may request a hearing, in writing, within fifteen (15) business days of the mailing of the notice of suspension or revocation, as described in section 9-279. In the event an appeal is timely filed, the suspension or revocation shall not take effect until a decision has been rendered by the chief of police, the city manager or his designee, or the appellate body where an appeal has been filed, unless it is necessary to immediately suspend or revoke the permit in order to protect evidence of a crime or to preserve the public health, safety or welfare. If no appeal is filed, the suspension or revocation shall become effective upon expiration of the period for filing the appeal.

    (d) It is unlawful for any person to conduct or carry on a tow operation business until the suspended or revoked permit has been reinstated by the chief of police, the city manager or his designee or by the appellate body.