§ 9-53. Penalties for delinquency  

Latest version.
  • For failure to pay a business tax when due, the tax collector shall add a penalty of ten (10) percent of said business tax on the last day of each month after the due date thereof, providing that the amount of such penalty to be added shall in no event exceed fifty (50) percent of the amount of the business tax due. No license or sticker, tag, plate or symbol shall be issued, nor shall one which has been suspended or revoked be reinstated or reissued, to any person who, at the time of applying therefor, is indebted to the city for any delinquent business tax, unless such person, with the consent of the tax collector, enters into a written agreement with the city, through the tax collector, to pay such delinquent taxes, plus ten (10) percent simple annual interest upon the unpaid balance, in monthly installments, or oftener, extending over a period not exceeding one (1) year. In any agreement so entered into, such person shall acknowledge the obligation owed to the city and agree that, in the event of failure to make timely payment of any installment, the whole amount unpaid shall become immediately due and payable and that his current business license shall be revoked by the tax collector after thirty (30) days. In the event legal action is brought by the city to enforce collection of any amount included in the agreement, such person shall pay all costs of suit incurred by the city or its assignee, including a reasonable attorney's fee. The execution of such an agreement shall not prevent the prior accrual of penalties on unpaid balances at the rate provided hereinabove, but no penalties shall accrue on account of taxes included in the agreement after the execution of the agreement and the payment of the first installment and during such time as such person shall not be in breach of the agreement.

(Ord. No. 85-8, § 3, 4-1-85)