§ 5-115.1. Termination  

Latest version.
  • (a) When the project has been completed as herein set forth the city shall exonerate the surety thereon or refund the excess of cash deposit received, less any sums determined to be due to the city hereunder, including administrative costs. In the event that said sums are insufficient to cover said costs the amount due shall be a debt to the city and collectible as provided by law.

    (b) Whenever it is determined by the city that a default has occurred in the performance of any term or condition required in this chapter, written notice shall be given to the permittee, principal on the bond and surety of same with request to comply within a time certain or have the city complete or cause to have completed the work undone. If the permittee, surety or other responsible persons fail to act within said time the city shall complete, or cause to have said work completed, or abate the condition as a nuisance at city's option. All costs incurred by the city in so acting, including said administrative costs, shall be and are hereby declared to be a lien on the real property upon which said building or structure has been relocated and enforceable and collectible as provided by law.

(Ord. No. 75-45, § 2, 9-16-75)