§ 5-107. Application requirements  

Latest version.
  • A written application shall be made to the Costa Mesa Planning Commission upon forms furnished for same and shall set forth such information as may reasonably be required to carry out the purpose of this chapter. Every building or structure to be relocated shall require a separate application unless the director of planning finds that one application is sufficient to comply with the intent herein as to each legally approved building site.

    Each application shall be submitted with the following:

    (a) An eight-inch by ten-inch photograph of all sides of the buildings or structures.

    (b) An eight-and-one-half-inch by eleven-inch acetate transparency of plot plan.

    (c) Ten (10) plot plans, two (2) elevations and two (2) floor plans setting forth the following:

    (1) Existing and proposed buildings;

    (2) Streets and names;

    (3) Distances between centerlines of streets and structures, between property lines and structures on right and left side and rear;

    (4) Distances between structures;

    (5) Off-street parking spaces (numbered);

    (6) Traffic access and driveways;

    (7) Landscaping;

    (8) Type of fencing, if any;

    (9) Enclosed trash areas.

    (d) Three (3) elevations of all signs and one colored rendering of all signs.

    (e) Draft environmental impact report, negative declaration of exemption declaration as required by the City of Costa Mesa environmental evaluator or planning director.

    (f) The sum of money necessary to cover applicable fees and deposits.

    (g) Completed work sheet.

    (h) Said application shall be signed by the owner(s) of the building site involved or their legal representative and the developer or contractor, if any, other than said owners applying for said permit.

(Ord. No. 75-45, § 2, 9-16-75)