§ 5-98.2. Contents of application for housemover's permit  

Latest version.
  • Each application for a housemover's permit must show:

    (a) The kind of building or structure to be moved.

    (b) The street location or other identifying description to which it is proposed to be moved, and the precise route over, along, across, and upon which such building or structure, section or portion thereof is to be moved.

    (c) The number of sections or units in which the building or structure will be moved.

    (d) The time and date when it is proposed to be moved and within which moving will be completed.

    (e) Description of the real property to which it is proposed to move the building or structure, if to be relocated within the city. Otherwise, merely show city or county area in which same is to be relocated.

    (f) The complete identity and address of the applicant and owner of building or structure.

    (g) The identity or owners of, and complete description of type and number of escort vehicles to be used.

(Ord. No. 75-45, § 2, 9-16-75)