§ 2-238. Civic openness in the meet and confer process  

Latest version.
  • (a) Government Code section 3505, as it currently exists, mandates that changes in wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment be preceded by participation of representatives from both the recognized employee organization and the city in good faith "meet and confer." Government Code section 54957.6 authorizes the city council to meet in closed session with its designated representatives for the purpose of reviewing its meet and confer position and instructing its designated representatives as to how to participate in the meet and confer process. The city council shall report out from such closed session the facts, including their significance and impacts, relating to any and all prior offers, counteroffers, and meet and confer-related bargaining positions made by either the city and representatives of any employee organization, which were communicated to the city council during the closed session and are no longer being considered. City council representatives shall have a duty to advise the city council during any such closed session of offers, counteroffers, information, and/or statements of position discussed by employee organization and city representatives participating in the meet and confer process since the last such closed session. This section shall not mandate publication of city council- directed future proposals and/or the analytical thought process utilized by the city council in addressing issues subject to the meet and confer process.

    (b) Each city council member shall disclose both publicly and during closed sessions, the identity of any and all employee association representatives with whom the city council member has had any verbal, written, electronic or other communication(s) regarding a subject matter of a pending meet and confer process.