§ 2-303. Procedure for appeal  

Latest version.
  • (1) Any affected person may, within the time limits set forth in section 2-305, file an application for appeal with the city clerk. Said application shall contain sufficient information to identify the party, its interest in the matter, and the reasons for requesting an appeal.

    (2) If the appeal is to be heard by a person or body which conducts regularly scheduled meetings, the appeal shall be considered at the first regular meeting which follows receipt of the application by ten (10) or more days, and which allows sufficient time for the giving of notice as required by section 2-308

    (3) If the appeal is to be heard by an individual or body which does not conduct regularly scheduled meetings, the appeal shall be considered not more than ten (10) days following receipt of the application; provided that the time period may be extended if necessary to allow the giving of notice as required by section 2-308

    (4) An appeal hearing shall consist of a new (i.e., de novo) hearing on the matter by the person or body specified in section 2-309. The appeal hearing shall be based on the following evidence:

    (a) Any relevant evidence, including staff reports, etc., submitted at the time of the prior decision and at the appeal hearing, and

    (b) Findings, if any, and decision of the person or body whose decision is being appealed.

    (5) Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, there shall be no right of appeal to the city council from a decision by a public officer designated by City Council Policy No. 100-7 on an application for a waiver of fees for use of a city owned public facility or show wagon. A decision pursuant to City Council Policy No. 100-7 shall be subject to California Code of Civil Procedure section 1094.6.

    (6) If the original decision being appealed involved issuance of any permit, license, or other entitlement or approval or requested some action by the city, the applicant for the original decision shall have the burden of proof to support the granting of the requested issuance, approval, or action at the appeal.