§ 2-47. Quorum; vote required  

Latest version.
  • Three (3) members of the council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Motions may be passed by a majority if only three (3) attend, but ordinances, resolutions granting franchises and payment of money require at least three (3) affirmative votes. Where there is no quorum, the mayor, mayor pro tempore, or any member of the council or the city clerk if no member of the council is present, shall adjourn such meeting and the city clerk shall post written notice on the door of the council chambers stating the time and date to which the meeting is adjourned. For the purpose of considering any item subject to vote of the council, when a member of the council disqualifies himself because of a conflict of interest, his presence shall not be considered in determining the presence of a quorum. Consideration of such item shall be deferred until a quorum of disinterested council members is present to discuss and vote on the item, if disqualification reduces those in attendance to less than a quorum.

(Code 1960, § 2210; Ord. No. 72-38, § 2, 10-16-72; Ord. No. 85-26, § 2, 10-21-85; Ord. No. 03-10, § 2, 11-3-03 )