§ 2-40. Study sessions  

Latest version.
  • (a) The city council shall hold regular study session meetings in the first floor conference room (1A) of the city hall to hear reports from the staff and to review, discuss, and debate matters of interest to the city, except that such sessions may be cancelled by the city manager, with the concurrence of the city council, if not needed. The dates and times of these study sessions will be set by city council resolution. A regular study session meeting shall also be held in the first floor conference room (1A) one (1) hour preceding the regular city council meeting for the purpose of receiving and reviewing any additional communications and materials submitted, after the agenda was completed and distributed, relative to items on the agenda for that evening's meeting. The mayor may also designate additional study sessions from time to time, notice to be given in the same manner as for special meetings of the city council.

    (b) No official action shall be taken at a study session. The verbal participation of the public in study sessions will be governed by rules set by council resolution.

(Code 1962, § 2203; Ord. No. 63-34, 8-19-63; Ord. No. 70-26, 7-6-70; Ord. No. 72-38, § 2, 10-16-72; Ord. No. 85-26, § 2, 10-21-85; Ord. No. 89-9, § 2, 4-17-89; Ord. No. 02-17, § 1, 8-19-02 )