Chapter III. City Council Meetings And Procedures  

§ 2-37. Purpose
§ 2-38. Regular meetings
§ 2-39. Special meetings
§ 2-40. Study sessions
§ 2-41. Meetings to be public; exceptions
§ 2-42. Council agenda
§ 2-43. Consent calendar
§ 2-44. Handling of correspondence; availability to public
§ 2-45. Authority of city manager over correspondence
§ 2-46. Conduct of business
§ 2-47. Quorum; vote required
§ 2-48. Order of business
§ 2-49. Presiding officer designated
§ 2-50. Presiding officer's powers and duties
§ 2-51. Gaining the floor
§ 2-52. Reserved
§ 2-53. Interruptions
§ 2-54. Points of order
§ 2-55. Point of personal privilege
§ 2-56. Privilege of closing debate
§ 2-57. Remarks of councilman and synopsis of debate
§ 2-58. Protest against council action
§ 2-59. Failure to observe rules of order
§ 2-60. Propriety of conduct of council members
§ 2-61. Propriety of conduct while addressing the council
§ 2-62. Addressing the council; procedure
§ 2-63. Addressing the council; spokesman for group of persons
§ 2-64. Disorderliness by members of the audience
§ 2-65. Persons authorized to be within rail
§ 2-66. Enforcement
§ 2-67. Voting procedures
§ 2-68. Disqualification for conflict of interest
§ 2-69. Failure to vote
§ 2-70. Tie vote
§ 2-71. Changing vote
§ 2-72. Reconsideration
§ 2-73. Origination of ordinances and contracts
§ 2-74. Prior approval by administrative staff
§ 2-75. Reserved
§ 2-76. Public hearings; when held
§ 2-77. Public hearings; opening
§ 2-78. Public hearings; evidence received
§ 2-79. Public hearings; continuation
§ 2-80. Public hearings; closing and reopening
§ 2-81. Public hearings; referral to planning commission
§ 2-82. Minutes
§ 2-83. Tape recordings
§ 2-84. Distribution of minutes
§ 2-85. Reading of minutes
§ 2-86. Adoption of budget
§§ 2-87--2-96. Reserved