§ 20-21. Costs of abatement—Hearing before director  

Latest version.
  • (a) At the time, date and place set for the hearing on the costs of abatement, which hearing shall be at least seven (7) business days after the date of the giving of the notice as set forth in section 20-16, the director shall conduct a hearing on the report. The responsible person shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard with respect to the costs and expenses set forth in the report. Any objections or protests raised by any of the persons liable to be assessed for the costs of abating the nuisance may be submitted orally or in writing.

    (b) Upon conclusion of the hearing, the director shall make such revisions, corrections or modifications to the report as may be deemed appropriate, after which the report shall be confirmed as submitted, or as revised, corrected or modified. The hearing on the costs of the abatement may be continued upon good cause shown.

    (c) The director shall give notice in accordance with the provisions of section 20-16 to the responsible person within five (5) days after the conclusion of the hearing as to the director's final determination regarding the costs of abatement.

    (d) Upon issuance of the report, the director shall set a hearing before the city council to receive and consider the report.