§ 20-15. Notice to abate—Form and content  

Latest version.
  • (a) Whenever the director finds that any premises or property within the city is maintained contrary to the provisions of this chapter, the director shall give notice to the responsible person, as reflected in the most recent Orange County Assessor's parcel roll.

    (b) The notice to abate provided for in this section shall be headed "NOTICE OF PUBLIC NUISANCE" in letters not less than one (1) inch in height and which shall, in legible characters, direct the abatement of the nuisance, referring to this chapter for particulars.

    (c) The notice shall indicate the nature of the alleged nuisance, the assessor's parcel number and street address, if any, of the property involved, and shall contain a description of the property in general terms reasonably sufficient to identify the location and extent of the nuisance.

    (d) The notice shall set forth a reasonable time limit for correction of the violation(s) and of the public nuisance, and may set forth suggested methods for correcting the public nuisance.

    (e) Any notice to abate issued pursuant to a failure to maintain a residential property acquired through foreclosure shall provide notice of intent to abate pursuant to Section 2929.3 of the California Civil Code.