§ 1-37. Civil citation—Building violations  

Latest version.
  • (a) When a citation is issued for a building violation, a thirty (30) day correction period shall be allowed for the correction of the violation and the citee shall correct the violation within that period. Notwithstanding section 1-36, no responsible person for a building violation shall be liable for a civil fine unless the violation continues after the thirty (30) days allowed for its correction, plus any extension pursuant to subdivision (b), and he or she is issued a second citation containing a notice of noncorrection.

    (b) The citee of a building violation may request an extension of the correction period provided that a request is filed with the director before the thirty (30) [day]-correction period ends. The director may, in his or her discretion, grant a reasonable extension of the period of time to correct the violation if the citee has supplied substantial evidence showing that the correction cannot reasonably be made within the thirty (30) day period. The filing for such an extension does not, unless granted, extend the thirty (30) day period or any other time periods set by this chapter.

    (c) If a building violation has not been corrected by the end of the correction period, the code enforcement officer has authority to issue to the responsible person a second citation containing a notice of noncorrection. The citee to whom the notice of noncorrection is issued shall be liable for and shall pay to the city the fine or fines described in the citation which fine shall be due on the date this second citation is issued. Additional citations may be issued and fines imposed for every day the violation continues uncorrected from the date the second citation is issued.

(Ord. No. 00-12, § 1, 7-16-00)