§ 15-70. Applicability of fees  

Latest version.
  • Drainage fees shall be imposed in the following cases:

    (a) For low- and medium-density residential uses, any improvement, addition or major alteration to an existing structure or construction of an accessory structure, in any form, where the aggregate gross square footage of such improvement equals or exceeds fifty (50) per cent of the gross square footage of the structure as previously constructed.

    (b) For high-density residential, commercial and industrial uses, any improvement, addition or major alteration to an existing structure or construction of an accessory structure, in any form, where the aggregate gross square footage of such improvement equals or exceeds fifty (50) per cent of the gross square footage of the structure as previously constructed, or any improvement, addition or major alteration to an existing structure or construction of an accessory structure, in any form, where the aggregate gross square footage of the improvement exceeds five thousand (5,000) gross square feet.

    (c) In development of vacant land, construction of new structures, site redevelopment, or complete replacement of an existing structure or structures, regardless of the gross square footage of the previous or new structure.