§ 15-65. Drainage fees established  

Latest version.
  • Development of, or construction on, property within the city will require construction of additional drainage facilities, as set forth in the master plan of drainage and/or as may be identified periodically by resolution of the city council or as may be imposed as a condition of development approval by the city engineer. There is hereby established a drainage fee to be set periodically by resolution of the city council, which fee shall be tiered to take into account the intensity of development proposed for the property. The fee tiers shall be as follows: low-density residential; medium-density residential; high-density residential; and commercial/industrial. The drainage fee shall be imposed on a pro rata, per acre basis upon any parcel or other piece of property for which an owner, developer or other applicant has requested approval to develop or redevelop, or to construct or reconstruct any structure upon such property, prior to, and as a condition of, approval being granted for such development or construction. The funds collected hereunder shall be deposited in a separate fund which shall be known as the "Drainage Fee Fund". In the case of development of land subject to the Subdivision Map Act, the drainage fee shall be collected, deposited and expended in accordance with section 66483 through 66483.2 of the California Government Code, in addition to the provisions set forth below, and all other applicable laws of the state. In the case of any development, redevelopment, construction, or reconstruction not subject to the Subdivision Map Act, the drainage fee shall be collected, deposited and expended in accordance with sections 66000 through 66007 of the California Government Code, in addition to the provisions set forth below, and all other applicable laws of the state.