§ 15-32. Special deposit of costs or bond required; computation  

Latest version.
  • (a) Unless the city engineer shall have authorized the applicant under this chapter to perform the resurfacing or repair of the surface of the street which may be removed in part or damaged by the proposed excavation, fill or obstruction, each applicant shall, in addition to the issuance fee, deposit with the city engineer the estimated cost of resurfacing or repairing the surface of the street which may be damaged or destroyed. The special deposit required hereunder shall in no event be less than ten dollars ($10.00). The estimated cost shall be determined by the city engineer by multiplying the number of square feet of surface which may be damaged, as shown by the application, by the cost to the city per square foot.

    (b) In cases where the applicant is granted authority to make the repairs required under this chapter, the city engineer may, in order to insure the completion of said repairs in a satisfactory manner, require the applicant to furnish a surety bond. Such bond shall be executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of California and shall be in an amount equal to twice the estimated cost of performing the work authorized; provided, however, that the minimum amount of said bond shall not be less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), nor the minimum period less than one year. The condition of said bond shall be that the applicant will perform the work authorized by any permit issued pursuant to this chapter in a good and workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the city engineer.

    (c) Whenever an applicant is authorized to make or perform any portion of the necessary repairs to any street pursuant to this chapter, he shall, in addition to other fees and costs, be required to pay the actual engineering and inspection costs incurred by the city to ensure the making of repairs in a workmanlike and satisfactory manner. To secure the payment of such costs, the applicant shall, in addition to the permit fee and other fees required by this chapter, deposit with the city engineer an amount estimated by the latter to be equal to twice the actual cost of all necessary engineering and inspection costs. Engineering and inspection costs shall include the wages of the engineer or inspector for the time actually spent in connection with the permittee's operation, plus expenses of transportation, plus fifteen (15) per cent of the total wages to cover overhead items. The deposit required under this subsection may, with the approval of the city engineer, be effected through a charge against or deduction from any funds maintained as a "general deposit" authorized by section 15-33 or with the approval of the city engineer, the payment of said fees may be secured through any surety bond posted by the applicant under the provisions of this chapter.

(Code 1960, § 7208; Ord. No. 80-2, § 2, 2-4-80)