§ 15-18. Plan submission, review and approval  

Latest version.
  • (a) Containment plans shall be submitted to the city's chief of code enforcement. The plan shall explain in detail how the retail establishment intends to comply with the requirements of this article, including in particular sections 15-16 and 15-17

    (b) Upon the filing of a proposed containment plan the chief of code enforcement shall review the plan for compliance with each applicable requirement of this article, and shall either approve or deny the plan within thirty (30) calendar days of its receipt. The decision shall be made in writing, and notice thereof shall be transmitted to the owner of the retail establishment within fifteen (15) calendar days pursuant to the provisions of section 15-20. If the proposed plan is denied, the notice of decision shall state the grounds upon which the proposed plan was denied.

    (c) The decision of the chief of code enforcement shall be subject to appeal by the owner within the time and manner specified in section 15-19. In the absence of a timely appeal, the decision of the chief of code enforcement shall be final an conclusive.