§ 13-111. Definitions  

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  • As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:

    Advertising statuary. An imitation, representation or similitude of a person or thing which is sculptured, molded, modeled, or cast in any solid or plastic substance, material, or fabric and used for commercial purposes.

    Area (of sign). The area included within the outer dimensions of a sign. The area of multiple face signs and advertising statuary shall mean one-half the total surface area. In the case of "skeleton letters" or other signs placed on a wall without any border, the area shall be the sum of the areas of each letter or figure. The area of each letter or figure shall be computed by enclosing the letter or figure within sets of parallel lines.

    Balloon sign. Any inflatable object having no dimension that exceeds twenty-four (24) inches, including, but not limited to, objects made of plastic, cloth, rubber, or canvas, having the shape of any object, and regardless of whether or not it contains copy.

    Banner, flag, or pennant. Any cloth, bunting, plastic, paper, or similar material used for advertising purposes on private property and not within the public right-of-way. Flags of a nation or of the State of California, displayed as such in an appropriate manner, are excepted from these regulations. See also street banner.

    Billboard. A sign that advertises a business, product, service or activity which is not available at or is not conducted on the premises on which the sign is located.

    Changeable copy sign. A sign whose copy consists of nonelectronic detachable lettering or numbers that must be manually installed, usually on a series of parallel tracks, including, but not limited to, service station price signs and theater marquees.

    Construction site sign. A sign located on a construction site used to identify the name of the future site occupant and which may include the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of businesses directly related to the construction project, including but not limited to the architect, engineer, contractor and financing entity.

    Contiguous window area. Total surface area of a window or individual window panes separated only by vertical or horizontal mullions.

    Convenience sign. A sign, not larger than nine (9) square feet, providing directional information and designed to be viewed on site or adjacent to the site by pedestrians and/or motorists. The term convenience sign shall also include electronic time/temperature signs.

    Electronic changeable copy sign. A sign that uses video displays, lamps, fiber optics, light-emitting diodes (LED's) liquid crystal displays, plasma displays, or any other mechanical or light emitting medium to convey messages, movement, or animation imagery during or between messages.

    For sale sign. A real estate sign indicating that the premises on which the sign is located, or any portion thereof, is for sale, lease or rent.

    Freestanding sign. A sign supported permanently upon the ground by poles, braces or other supports, and not attached to any building.

    Governmental sign. A sign installed by the city or other public agency pursuant to city approval, including, but not limited to, signs for motorist or pedestrian safety.

    Height (of sign). The vertical distance from grade to the highest point of the sign or sign structure.

    Illegal sign. Any sign installed or modified in violation of the Costa Mesa Municipal Code at the time the sign was installed or modified.

    Illumination exterior. Illumination cast on a sign from an exterior source, such as a floodlight.

    Illumination interior. Illumination generated from the interior of a sign.

    Illumination interior with opaque background. Interior illumination of a sign where the background of the sign face is opaque and only the copy is illuminated.

    Inflatable sign. Any inflatable object having any dimension in excess of twenty-four (24) inches, including, but not limited to, objects made of plastic, cloth, rubber, or canvas, having the shape of any object, and regardless of whether or not it contains copy.

    Mural or super graphic. A large image, picture, or design painted on or affixed to the exterior of a building or structure. A mural or super graphic is a sign only if it is related by language and/or logo to the advertisement of any product or service or the identification of any business.

    Neighborhood identification sign. A sign identifying the entrance to a residential area consisting of five (5) or more acres.

    Nonconforming sign. A sign which was legally installed under laws or ordinances in effect at the time of its installation, but which is in conflict with the current provisions of this chapter.

    Open house sign. A real estate sign with the words "Open House" as the primary copy for the premises on which the sign is located.

    Painted wall sign. Any sign painted directly on the exterior surface of a building or structure, except awnings or canopies. (See "mural or super graphic").

    Permanent window sign. A sign that is placed on or behind a window for a period of time in excess of sixty (60) days. Paper or cardboard signs, or signs painted directly onto the surface of a window are not considered permanent window signs regardless of the duration of display.

    Political campaign sign. A sign indicating the name and/or picture of an individual seeking election to a public office, or concerning any issue, ballot measure or ballot proposition in a municipal, community, state or federal election, or pertaining to the advocating by persons, groups, or parties of political views or policies regarding a matter to be voted on in a forthcoming election.

    Portable sign. Any sign which can be moved from place to place which is not permanently affixed to the ground or to a building. The term portable sign includes, but is not limited to, any sign affixed to an automobile, truck, trailer, or other vehicle where such sign solicits patronage to a specific business by means of parking such a vehicle primarily for the purpose of advertising such business. The term portable sign shall also include a sign posted in or on a vehicle parked on public or private property without written consent of the property owner, advertising that vehicle for sale.

    Public baseball/softball field. Any baseball and/or softball field owned, rented, or leased by the city or used by the city under a joint use agreement.

    Public property. Any building, park, grounds, structures, or other real property (collectively referred to as "property" for the purpose of this definition) owned, rented, or leased by the city not within the public right-of-way or any such property used by the city under a joint use agreement. For the purposes of this definition, public property does not include public baseball and softball fields.

    Public right-of-way. Any public sidewalk, street, alley or highway improved to allow vehicular and pedestrian access and adjacent city landscape areas including trees therein, traffic control devices, street name signs, fire hydrants and other structures, under the ownership and jurisdiction of the city or the state.

    Real estate sign. A temporary sign placed for the purposes of advertising the premises on which the sign is located as either for sale, lease or rent, and includes for sale sign and open house sign.

    Sign. Any medium for visual communication, including its copy, structure and component parts, which is used or intended to be used to attract attention to, or identify, or advertise a business, product, service, activity, or location or to provide information. "Sign" includes statuary and graphic wall designs used for advertising purposes. "Sign" includes billboards, but does not include handbills.

    Site. One or more parcels of land identified by the assessor's records and for which an integrated building development exists or has been proposed.

    Street. A public or private alley, street or highway improved to allow vehicular access.

    Street banner. Any cloth, bunting, plastic, paper, or similar material used for advertising purposes on a light standard within the public right-of-way.

    Temporary window sign. A non-illuminated sign placed on or behind a window for a period of time not in excess of sixty (60) days for the purpose of advertising special sales, prices, products or services, including paper or cardboard signs, or signs painted directly onto the surface of a window.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 99-10, § 1, 7-19-99; Ord. No. 02-8, § 1a, 4-15-02 ; Ord. No. 04-11, §§ 1, 2, 10-18-04 ; Ord. No. 11-11, § 1, 9-20-11 )