§ 13-104. Landscape plan objectives  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each landscape plan shall be compatible with the shape and topography of the site and architectural characteristics of structure(s) on the site. Each landscape plan shall be compatible with the character of adjacent landscaping, provided the quality of the adjacent landscaping meets the standard of these guidelines. However, it is not the intent of this section to require the use of identical plant materials or landscape designs. Where existing mature landscaping is in good, healthy condition, every effort shall be made to retain trees and mature landscaping.

    (b) Each landscape plan shall illustrate a concern for design elements such as balance, scale, texture, form, water conservation, and unity.

    (c) Each landscape plan shall address the functional aspects of landscaping such as grading, drainage, minimal runoff, erosion prevention, wind barriers, provisions for shade and reduction of glare, and water conservation. Each landscape plan shall demonstrate a concern for solar access, including exposure and shading of window areas.

    (d) Landscaping shall be used to relieve solid, unbroken elevations, soften continuous wall expanses and deter graffiti.

    (e) Landscaping shall be required to screen storage areas, trash enclosures, parking areas, public utilities, freeways, highways, and other similar land uses or elements which do not contribute to the enhancement of the surrounding area. Where possible, planting islands and perimeter landscaping shall be designed as concave-shaped swales instead of convex-shaped berms in order to capture runoff and reduce dependence on water. If mounding or berms are required as part of a project, the slopes shall not exceed a 3:1 (horizontal:vertical) ratio, nor shall they exceed three (3) feet in height. Where plants are required for screening, such screening shall consist of the use of evergreen shrubs (minimum five (5) gallons), vines and/or evergreen trees closely spaced.

    (f) Water elements (pools, ponds, fountains, and other similar ornamental water features) incorporated into the project shall be of a design, shape, and size that minimizes water loss through evaporation. Recirculating water shall be used for decorative water features.

    (g) Landscape and irrigation plans shall be designed and implemented to meet the water conservation measures described in the water efficient landscape guidelines as applicable.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 99-13, § 2, 9-20-99; Ord. No. 10-2, § 3d., 2-2-10 )