§ 13-75. Fences and walls  

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  • (a) In residential zones, including planned development, except R-1:

    (1) All interior property lines of the master development lot shall have six-foot high solid opaque walls or fences that conform to the city's walls, fences and landscaping standards.

    (2) All exterior property lines of the master development lot shall have solid masonry walls that conform to the city's walls, fences and landscaping standards in respect to height and location as well as the following standards. The final review authority shall approve the wall location, height, masonry materials, and finish.

    (i) Only one type of wall design with the appropriate mix of masonry materials and finishes shall be permitted for the development lot.

    (ii) Wall materials such as uncolored cinder block shall be treated with a decorative finish that complements and enhances the project and surrounding neighborhood.

    (iii) Exceptions to the requirements stated in subsections (2)(i) through (2)(ii) may be approved by the final review authority. These exceptions may include, but are not limited to, combination masonry walls with vinyl fencing, stained/treated wood, wrought iron fencing, green wall, and green sustainable composite materials.

    (iv) The development services director shall review and approve any future additions to the exterior walls, after project completion, which shall be constructed of materials which are either identical and/or compatible with the original wall.

    (b) In commercial zones, including planned development: All interior property lines abutting residentially-zoned property shall have solid masonry walls, at least 6 feet but no more than eight (8) feet in height, unless an environmental study requires additional height.

    (c) In industrial zones, including planned development: A solid masonry wall, at least six (6) feet in height shall be constructed along all property lines which abut a residential or commercial zone. The maximum wall height shall not exceed eight (8) feet, unless an environmental study requires additional height.

    (d) If a fence or wall is constructed adjacent to a public street, the fence or wall shall be approved by the planning division in terms of its compatibility and harmony with the proposed building and site development and buildings and site developments existing or approved for the general neighborhood. For arterial streets that are adjacent to residential developments, new arterial walls shall comply with the city's streetscape and median development standards. No fence or wall located in any street setback shall obscure the required street setback landscaping in the commercial and industrial zones.

    (e) Fences and walls placed on interior property lines or between the property line and the required setback line for main buildings shall conform to the city's walls, fences and landscaping standards.

    (f) Fences and walls located in proximity to street intersections or where a driveway intersects a sidewalk shall conform to the city's walls, fences and landscaping standards.

    (g) The standards referred to in subsections (e) and (f) shall be adopted by resolution of the city council.

    (h) It shall be unlawful to construct, install, maintain or allow to exist any barbed wire, razor wire, concertina ribbon or similar item in any required setback abutting a public right-of-way. In all other locations, barbed wire, razor wire, concertina ribbon and similar items shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of six (6) feet eight (8) inches from grade.

    (i) It shall be unlawful to install, maintain or allow to exist any electrified fence or any glass, nails or similar items embedded in walls or fences at any location.

    (j) Chain link fences. In all nonresidential zones, chain link fencing is prohibited in any required setback abutting a public right-of-way. In all residential zones, including planned developments, chain link fencing is prohibited in any area visible from a public street or alley.

    (1) Chain link fence removal. A property owner of any residential or planned development property that has an existing chain link fence visible from a public street or alley, shall remove the chain link fence at such time the property owner obtains a building permit, or cumulative building permits over a consecutive twelve-month period, for property improvements valued at thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) or more. The chain link fence shall be completely removed prior to the finalization of the last building permit(s) that exceeds the thirty thousand dollar ($30,000.00) valuation.

    (k) Security gates, in all zones, are subject to review and approval by the planning division in conjunction with the fire department and transportation division.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 01-16, § 1r., 6-18-01; Ord. No. 02-14, § 1a, 4-5-02 ; Ord. No. 05-3, § 1g., 2-7-05 ; Ord. No. 10-21, § 1, 1-4-11 )