§ 13-32. Development standards  

Latest version.
  • Table 13-32 identifies development standards in the residential zones, with the exception of development standards for common interest developments (see Article 2, common interest developments. See also Article 9, general site improvement standards of this chapter for additional requirements for all the residential zones.

    TABLE 13-32

    Minimum Lot Area 6,000 square feet 12,000 square feet 12,000 square feet 12,000 square feet
    Minimum Lot Width Interior lot: 50 feet
    Corner lot: 60 feet
    Interior lot: 100 feet
    Corner lot: 100 feet
    Minimum Lot Area for newly subdivided lots 6,000 square feet 12,000 square feet 12,000 square feet 12,000 square feet
    Minimum Lot Width for newly subdivided lots Interior lot: 50 feet
    Corner lot: 60 feet
    Note: All newly subdivided lots shall have frontage on a dedicated street equal to, or in excess of, the required minimum lot width. An exception to this requirement is when the existing R-1 lot (that is proposed to be subdivided) has an average depth that equals to or exceeds 200 feet
    Interior lot: 100 feet
    Corner lot: 100 feet
    Note: All newly subdivided lots shall have frontage on a dedicated street equal to, or in excess of, the required minimum lot width; with the exception of common interest developments.
    Maximum Number of Stories & Building Height 2 stories/27 feet for residential land uses. The maximum number of stories and building height for nonresidential land uses shall be determined in conjunction with the conditional use permit review process.
    Note: Lofts, as defined in section 13-6, without exterior access and having only clerestory windows will not be regarded as a story. See also Attic discussion below.
    Attics Attics shall not be heated or cooled, nor contain any electrical outlets, or operable windows. Attics above second stories shall be an integral part of the second story roofline and not appear as a third story on any building elevation. Windows in any attic space above the second story shall be incidental and limited to a dormer style.
    Maximum Density (Based on gross acreage.) 1 dwelling unit per 6,000 square feet
    (Note: Only 1 dwelling unit is permitted per lot.)
    1 dwelling unit per 3,630 square feet
    1 unit per 3,000 square feet for legal lots existing as of March 16, 1992, that are less than 7,260 square feet in area but not less than 6,000 square feet in area.
    1 dwelling unit per 3,000 square feet 1 dwelling unit per 2,178 square feet
    Minimum Open
    40% of total lot area 40% of total lot area.
    Distance Between
    10-foot minimum between main buildings
    6-foot minimum between main buildings and accessory structures
    Driveway width For all individual driveways: Ten-foot minimum width Same as R1, except 16-foot minimum driveway is required if the driveway serves tenants and/or guest parking for more than one dwelling unit
    For lots less than 50 feet wide: 36-foot maximum width
    For lots greater than 50 feet wide: Driveway width shall be a maximum of 50 percent of the lot width, or a maximum 36-foot width, whichever is less.
    Driveway length Straight-in driveways to garages shall have a minimum length of 19 feet from the ultimate property line.
    Storage Not applicable. Each unit shall be provided with 200 cubic feet of securable storage exterior to the unit. If this storage is provided within the garage or carport it shall be located so as not to obstruct the required clear dimensions of the covered parking space (per the City of Costa Mesa Parking Design Standards) at any point less than 4 feet above the finished surface level of the parking stall.
    Mechanical equipment, excluding antennas and flush-mounted solar panels on roofs Roof-top location is prohibited on single-family dwelling units.
    All other locations: Screening required from public rights-of-way and adjacent properties.
    Antennas are subject to Chapter IX, Article 2, antennas.
    SETBACKS FOR MAIN BUILDINGS AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES (Minimum distances given, unless otherwise noted. All setbacks from streets are measured from the ultimate property line shown on the master plan of highways).
    Front 20 feet
    Side Interior property line: 5 feet. Note: Accessory structures that do not exceed 6½ feet in height in the R1 zone or 15 feet in height in the other residential zones may have a zero side setback.
    Property line abutting a public street: 10 feet. Note: Driveways providing straight-in access from a public street to a garage shall be at least 19 feet long, as measured from the property line.
    Property line abutting an alley: 5 feet
    Rear (not abutting a pub-
    licly dedicated alley)
    20 feet for 2 story structures.
    10 feet for 1 story structures (15 foot maximum height) provided that maximum rear yard coverage is not exceeded.
    Note: Accessory structures that do not exceed 6½ feet in height in the R1 zone or 15 feet in height in the R2 zones may have a zero rear yard setback, except on corner lots in the R2 zones.
    Corner lots in the R2-MD, R2-HD & R3 zones:
    a. Where the rear property line of a corner lot adjoins the side property line of another lot, no detached accessory structure shall be allowed on the corner lot, except within the rear quarter of the corner lot farthest from the side street.
    b. Where the rear property line of a corner lot abuts a public or private street, accessory structures shall maintain setbacks for main structures.
    15 feet for 2 story structures.
    10 feet for 1 story structures (15-foot maximum height).
    Note: Accessory structures that do not exceed 15 feet in height may have a zero rear yard setback, except on corner lots (see R2-MD and R2-HD column for setbacks for corner lots).
    Rear yard coverage (maximum) Rear (not abutting a publicly dedicated alley, street, or park):
    Main Buildings: 25% of rear yard area.*
    Accessory Buildings: 50% of rear yard area.*
    * Rear yard area equals lot width, measured from side property line to side property line, multiplied by 20 feet.
    Rear abutting a publicly dedicated alley, street, or park: Not applicable
    Not applicable
    Rear abutting a publicly dedicated alley, street, or park 5 feet; however, garages may be required to setback further to ensure adequate back up distance. Rear Yard Coverage does not apply.
    Note: Accessory structures that do not exceed 6½ feet in height in the R1 zone or 15 feet in height in the other residential zones may have a zero rear yard setback, except on corner lots in the R2 and R3 zones where accessory structures shall maintain setbacks for main structures.
    Bluff top setback No building or structure closer than 10 feet from bluff crest (see section 13-34 BLUFF-TOP DEVELOPMENT).
    PROJECTIONS (Maximum depth of projections given)
    Roof or eaves overhang; awning 2 feet 6 inches into required side setback or building separation area.
    5 feet into required front or rear setback.
    Open, unenclosed stairways. 2 feet 6 inches into required setback or building separation area.
    Chimneys 2 feet above maximum building height.
    Fireplaces 2 feet into required setback or building separation area.
    PARKING (See Chapter VI).
    LANDSCAPING (See also Chapter VII).
    Landscaping Required. All unpaved areas visible from the public right-of-way shall be landscaped and the landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy condition, free of dying, dead, diseased, decayed, discarded, and/or overgrown vegetation. See Chapter VII, LANDSCAPING.
    SIGNS (See Chapter VIII).
    Above-ground pools and spas shall not be located in the required front yard setback from a public street and are subject to 5-foot side and 10-foot rear yard setbacks for main structures. Additional setbacks may be applicable pursuant to building code requirements.
    Fences and walls placed between the property line and required setback line for main buildings shall conform [to] the city's walls, fences, and landscaping standards.
    See ARTICLE 9, GENERAL SITE IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS, of this chapter for further information.



    The maximum driveway width standards are only applicable to the construction of new single-family residences.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 01-16, §§ 1f., g., 6-18-01; Ord. No. 02-4, § 1c, 3-18-02; Ord. No. 02-9, § 1a, 7-1-02 ; Ord. No. 03-8, § 4, 9-2-03 ; Ord. No. 05-3, § 1c., 2-7-05 ; Ord. No. 09-4, § 1b., 5-5-09 )