§ 13-83.54. Mixed-use development standards  

Latest version.
  • The development regulations of the base zoning district shall be superseded by the overlay district standards in this article or in the adopted urban plan, unless otherwise noted.

    (a) Floor-area-ratio (FAR). As established by the general plan, the maximum FAR for mixed-use development is 1.0. An increase to 1.25 FAR may be allowed for mixed-use developments that exhibit design excellence and are consistent with the deviation findings described in section 13-83.52 of the Zoning Code.

    (b) Allowable uses. Allowable and prohibited uses shall be determined in the adopted urban plan for the mixed-use overlay area.

    (c) Residential component.

    (1) Location. In vertical mixed-use developments, residential uses shall be limited to floors above or behind the lower-level nonresidential uses. Lobbies, entryways, and other nonhabitable space for residential uses may be located on the street level. In horizontal mixed-use projects, siting commercial uses along the public frontage is recommended.

    (2) Common open space. The common open space areas with resident-serving amenities should be centrally located within the development as an internal courtyard/common area shielded by on-site structures and should be accessed by the residents through landscaped walkways.

    (3) Single-family detached residences. A small lot, single-family detached residential development is prohibited in a mixed-use development unless otherwise indicated in the urban plan.

    (4) Ownership required. For live/work lofts, the residential space shall not be sold, rented, or leased as a separate living unit from the nonresidential space, either as a condominium or community apartment. No portion of any live/work unit shall be further divided for purposes of leasing, subleasing, or renting. The residential space of the live/work loft must be occupied by the same individual(s) who are conducting business activity in the nonresidential space. In mixed-use developments where nonresidential and residential units are distinctly located in individual units, these units may be held under separate ownership/occupancy.

    (d) Nonresidential component.

    (1) Location. Vertical mixed-use buildings shall be comprised of nonresidential uses limited to the ground or lower levels of a mixed-use building. Mixed-use buildings shall be located so as to be accessible in a manner that does not create traffic congestion or hazards to any street. Location of off-street parking and loading areas shall be determined as appropriate to the particular mixed-use development. Consideration shall be given to anticipated pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic, adjacent development that may provide multiple use of off-street parking facilities and the types of commercial use provided.

    (2) Project design features. The nonresidential component of the mixed-use development shall incorporate parking areas, service areas, buffers, entrances, exits, yards, courts, landscaping, graphics and lighting as integrated portions of the overall mixed-use development.

    (e) Planned signing program. A planned signing program is required for any nonresidential component of a mixed-use development.

    (f) Additional development standards. The adopted urban plan shall contain development standards that are applicable to a particular mixed-use overlay area.