§ 13-83.51. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings assigned to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.

    Base zoning district. A zoning district identified as R2-MD, R2-HD, R3, PDR-MD, PDR-HD, CL, C1, C2, MG, or I&R within which only certain land uses and structures are permitted, or conditionally permitted, and certain regulations are established for development of land.

    Live/work unit. A type of mixed-use development with an integrated residence and working space that is occupied/utilized by a single household in a structure and that is located in a building that has been designed or structurally modified to accommodate joint residential occupancy and work activity.

    Mixed-use building. A building that is occupied, arranged, designed, or intended for combinations of land uses; including but not limited to residential, commercial, office, civic, cultural, educational, or recreational uses. A mixed-use building contains residential and nonresidential uses where the dwelling units are typically located on the upper levels and the nonresidential uses on the lower levels of the building. A mixed-use building may also consist of live/work units under a common ownership or residential units that may be owned and occupied separately from the nonresidential space.

    Mixed-use development. A development that includes the following: (a) nonresidential and residential uses on the same development site, such as but not limited to, residential, office, retail, or public uses; (b) nonresidential and residential units are not necessarily located in the same building.

    Overlay zone. A zoning district that applies another set of zoning provisions to a specified area within an existing zoning district. The overlay zone supercedes the zoning regulations of the base zoning district, unless otherwise indicated.

    Urban plan. A regulating document that sets forth allowable uses, development standards, and land use regulations relating to the nature and extent of land uses and structures.