§ 18-83. Exceptions to designate flood hazard area

Latest version.
  • The floodplain administrator may determine that certain properties within a floodplain district are not required to comply with the provisions of this article, "floodplain" district, when it can be shown that any of the following circumstances or conditions are present:

    (a) The zoning map includes property within a floodway district that is found not to be within a floodplain area due to incorrect preparation of the zoning map or to physical alteration or surrounding property which effectively removed the subject property from the floodplain area. The floodplain administrator's determination shall be based on a study of topographic and design flood elevation contours on the subject property, and on such additional information as is found necessary or appropriate.

    (b) Flood protective or flood control work, adequate to protect against the design flood and in compliance with county flood control and flood protective standards and policies, has been completed. The director's finding shall confirm that any stream, channel, storm drain or landfill improvements fully offset flood surface elevations established by the applicable floodplain map; and that if the property is included on a flood insurance rate map or a flood boundary and floodway map, all such flood protective or flood control work has been approved by the appropriate federal agency and the property removed from the floodplain designation on such maps.